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This concept is very important to PwnWiki and is the cornerstone of PwnWiki's operation.

Encyclopedia icon.svg PwnWiki is a vulnerability library that everyone can edit
PwnWiki is a multilingual, free content, and a collaborative project that anyone can participate in. Its goal is to establish a complete, accurate and neutral vulnerability database.

The growth of PwnWiki depends on your participation. Whether it is creating new entries, editing existing entries, or adding illustrations to entries, you can contribute to PwnWiki.

Scale icon green.svg PwnWiki takes a neutral view
This means that we must write entries in a neutral and accurate position. In order to achieve this goal, we need to accurately express and explain the views of all parties in the entry, and treat each view equally-some of them must not be deduced as "truth" or "best view". Therefore, we should also try to quote verifiable and authoritative information to make the content of the entry (especially controversial topics) neutral and reliable to a certain extent.
Jigsaw piece yellow 01.svg PwnWiki content open copyright
PwnWiki is copyrighted according to the Creative Commons Attribution-Share in the Same Way 3.0 Agreement (part of the content uses the GNU Free Documentation License), and everyone can freely publish and edit the content of PwnWiki. Based on this principle, all the content you contribute will be open to all users in the community to edit and publish. Therefore, please do not submit copyrighted works without authorization, otherwise your account may be blocked.
Smiley icon orange.svg Editors treat each other with courtesy and respect
We are civilized-even if you disagree with other people's views, please respect them and avoid personal attacks or attacking other editors with undifferentiated general remarks. When discussing, please focus on reaching a consensus and participate in the discussion with an open, hospitable and tolerant attitude. When discussing white-hot, please stay calm.
Light bulb icon red.svg PwnWiki does not stick to the rules
PwnWiki has established guidelines, but they are not fixed and unchangeable, and their content and explanation can be gradually developed and improved. The principles and spirit contained in policies and guidelines are more important than literal wording, and sometimes exceptions are allowed to improve PwnWiki. Please be bold but don't edit, move or modify entries lightly, and don't worry about unintentional mistakes. Every change to the page will be saved, so all errors can be easily corrected.
